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Igor V. Babailov, Hon.RAA, KStA
Recent Celebrity Portraits

Sketching Byron Janis in preparation for his portrait painting in oil.
Sketching Byron Janis in preparation for his portrait painting in oil.

Byron Janis, playing for the guests at Steinway Hall

Igor Babailov, unveiling the portrait

Byron Janis's portrait was unveiled by the Artist and George Borey, Chopin's great-great-grandnephew
Byron Janis's portrait was unveiled by Igor Babailov and George Borey, Chopin's great-great-grandnephew, at Steinway Hall in New York City

Unveiling of Byron Janis's portrait at Steinway Hall
Unveiling of Byron Janis's portrait at Steinway Hall

George Borey, great-great-grandnephew of Frederic Chopin

Byron Janis and Maria Cooper Janis

Official portrait unveiling by Igor Babailov at Steinway Hall, New York City
Portrait of pianist Byron Janis - Official portrait unveiling by Igor Babailov at Steinway Hall, New York City

At Steinway Hall

Maria Cooper Janis, daughter of movie star Gary Cooper, and American actress Patricia Neal
Maria Cooper Janis, daughter of the American film star Gary Cooper, and American actress Patricia Neal

With the Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. James Watson, discoverer of the DNA Molecule
With the Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. James Watson, discoverer of the DNA Molecule

Byron Janis with his legacy portrait, by Igor Babailov