Frequently Asked Questions
What skill levels is this class recommended for?
Traditional academic training is as important for any artist, as strong foundation is for any house: first it must be built, then it needs maintenance! So, my classes are beneficial for all levels of artists.
What makes this class different from other instructors' classes?
I was fortunate to receive my sound academic training within the studios of the historically acclaimed Russian Academy of Arts (est.1757) with the in-depth studies of the Great Masters' knowledge, put into practice. Consequently, based on my education I do not teach to copy neither my or someone else's "approach" or "style," but convey the insights of fundamental principles in proper classical fine art education, historically taught in traditional schools of art. This is the only path to develop your own uniqueness and individuality as an artist, a prerequisite to becoming a Master artist yourself.
How fast will I learn in this class?
Due to my own vast experience of having been a student for many years during my formal academic art education (1974-1990), I understand and know exactly what students need in any given situation, as well as how to successfully resolve any complicated issues they may have, right on the spot.
What are the benefits of the demos in the learning process?
In Visual Art we learn by seeing. In fact, that is how we learn. Therefore, my workshops contain two important parts: the Instructor's Demo and the Students' Practice after observing the demo. Each day begins with an inspirational "how to" portrait demonstration in a different medium, a great opportunity to witness the complete step-by-step fast and detailed development of the portrait from start to finish. Upon the demo's completion, students are working from life with the model on their own pieces under my individual and undivided attention and one-on-one instruction.
While watching the demo, students may also take photos of various stages of portrait progression, which can be used later as point of reference in their own works after the workshop is over.
Can photographs be used in the class?
The purpose of this class is to free yourself from dependency on the camera, and to learn the skills of drawing and painting like the Great Masters did, in direct communication with nature. If you are able to work from LIFE, you will always be able to apply that skill to working with photographs, if you have to. In that case, the artist is always in control of the situation and creates the portrait which goes far beyond its photographic references, instead of just copying a photo.